The plastic problem is crystal clear by now. If you are on this web page chances are you know this already
We throw away most of our plastic after a single-use. We get used to throwing plastics away and start seeing it as a worthless disposable material. This material quality, however, is just as good as it was before the usage. By recycling the plastic step by step into new products, we hope to show how valuable this plastic can be.
We aim to promote and make recycling technologies accessible. To do so, we develop low-tech and open-source technologies to valorize plastic waste and programs to recycle plastic into new goods.
These machines are based on existing technologies that have already proven to be successful as far as sorting, recycling, pyrolysis, extruding and creating are concerned.

Plastic waste
Once a plastic object has been used and discarded, it becomes waste.
When collected, plastic waste usually ends up in landfills or incinerated, and in the best-case scenario, recycled.
However they are left in open landfills or in the natural environment.

Hundreds of different plastics exist. All are not recycled in the same way.
Sorting allows us to :
– remove non-plastic material (metals, natural organic matter, glass, etc.)
– sort the most common plastics in 7 categories. Each one of them will then be treated in a specific way depending on its physical properties.
We do not recycle PET and PVC as they contain toxic substances. They will be compacted and sold to specialized industries.
Sorting is done manually, waste objects are visually identified. A simple tool to identify each plastic-type to help reduce errors.
This step sees all plastic waste broken into much smaller pieces.
We use a shredder equipped with rotating blades and powered by an engine.
Plastic is shredded several times until it gets small enough, then is put in a separate bin.
Plastic flakes are then washed in a big container full of water that is slowly stirred by rotating lames to get rid of all impurities before being recycled.
What’s left of heavy waste (such as sand, metals, PVC, PET) will sink whilst the recyclable plastic floats and can be picked up at the surface.
Considering the plastic’s humidity, it can become problematic when plastic is too wet as it can release some gases.
To prevent this from happening, plastic needs to be dried and to do so, the easiest way is to leave it under the sun during a couple of hours for a natural drying process.

Extrusion is a widely used manufacturing process in the plastic industry, and is the first mechanical recycling process.
The process begins by slowly heating all plastic flakes, loading them into an endless screw, where a dummy block is placed behind it, the ram then presses on the plastic to push it out of the die.

Effects of plastic pollution
An estimated one million birds, 100,000 marine mammals, sea turtles, and countless fish die each year when they become trapped in plastic or eat it.
Some plastics also act as sponges for toxins harmful for the marine environment.
Last but not least, Bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalate are found in certain plastics, known to be endocrine disruptors that can cause damage to the foetus development.
Human Health
79% of plastic waste is accumulated in landfills or the natural environment causing water and soil contamination.
Also, debris accumulation in standing water increases the threat of diseases. At sea, plastic microparticules is responsible for the contamination of our seafood.

USD 120 billion: the value of packaging material lost annually to the economy.
Unrecovered plastic waste found in nature is a significant loss from an economic point of view.
This raw material has a continuous production and runs down oil reserves (8% of the world production)

Make it new
Reuse | Recycle
Maker it precious

Plastic Waste to 3D Filament
Reuse | Recycle

Filament Recycling
Converts recyclable plastic into ethical, high-quality 3D print filament using open source technology
3D printing is today’s trendiest industrial revolution. we aim to make it a sustainable one as well.
Why continue to use new plastics, when there’s so much old plastic we can re-use?

Plastic Waste to new items
Reuse | Recycle

Send or drop off
Drop off your waste plastic collected and we will safely recycle all of the collected materials.
Please make sure your plastic is sorted by type the best you can and label is removed